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We Are...


The chief message proclaimed in our church is "Christ Crucified". We talk about the reason God's Son, Jesus, died on the cross, namely to pay for our sins. We also talk about the blessings we receive because Jesus died in our place: God's free and full forgiveness and the assurance of everlasting life. Christ's love for us is the power that motivates us to love God and our neighbor. 


We believe and teach that the Bible is 100% accurate and true -- the inspired Word of God, not merely the words of men. As such, the Bible is clear, understandable, and powerful. All of our teachings are based on the Bible, not on faulty human opinion, philosophy, or tradition. 


It is vital that we share the Good News that Jesus rescued the world! We strive to share the gospel message with the people of our community. We also support the world-wide mission efforts of our church body, the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS). Our church body currently supports more than 50 missionaries working in over 30 countries. Our church body is also active in establishing new congregations in many parts of the United States. 


At Mt. Olive we follow Jesus' commands to "feed my lambs" and "feed my sheep" (John 21:15 & 17). We offer Sunday School during the months of the school year, Vacation Bible School in the summer, as well as an excellent Lutheran Elementary School for children Pre-K through 8th grade. We are also members of an association supporting West Lutheran High School in Plymouth, MN, where many of our young people attend. We offer 'Confirmation' instruction for children and adults, continuing education for high school students, and a variety of Bible study opportunities for adults throughout the week. 


Worship is a pivotal part of our congregational life. Worship is important to us because we know how important it is to our God. During worship our Savior God comes to us in Word and Sacraments (Baptism and Holy Communion) and announces His grace and mercy to us. He strengthens our faith and trust and builds us up to live for Jesus. In worship we have the opportunity to join together and express our faith in our Savior. We sing and pray and talk to God at the same time that we listen to him in the Scriptures. Yes, that's what worship is -- communicating with our Lord. We listen to Him and He listens to us!

We don't come to church at Mt. Olive because we're such good people. No, we join together at Mt. Olive because we are all sinful people who need the Savior, Jesus Christ, and his forgiveness every single day. That's the truth!


And the truth is... you are just like us! We would love to have you visit us, a friendly and caring congregation of believers, and find out for yourself. We invite you to come and hear God's powerful, loving Word with us!

© 2019 by Mt. Olive Lutheran Church, Delano. All rights reserved.

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